Water Right Application for Pinnacle Potash Corporation
December 02, 2011New Information: Pinnacle Potash is now seeking the option to lease surface water in Flaming Gorge Reservoir from Duschene County, which will require a federal water contract with the Department of Interior. This will require an environmental assessment and consultation with US Fish and Wildlife and other federal agencies.
- Order of the State Engineer for groundwater depletion
- Proposed groundwater management plan
- Order of the State Engineer for Transfer of Dagget County surface water to Grand County
1) The groundwater extraction yield has been reduced from 20,000 acre-feet to 5,000 acre-feet and a rigorous groundwater management plan must be adhered to.
2) The surface water transfer from Daggett County to Grand County was approved and contingent on a Section 7 Consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Pinnacle Potash of Austin, Texas has submitted an application for the withdrawl of 20,000 acre-feet annually for a period of 30 years (600,000 acre-feet total) to commence solution mining for potash north of Arches National Park.
To keep up to date on this issue, please visit this web site at the Utah Division of Water Rights. The water right number is 92-674 (A79183).
The first hearing occurred on May 9, 2012 at 1:30 pm at the County Council Chambers in Moab, Utah.
In the meantime, Pinnacle Potash is attempting to procure water from Flaming Gorge Reservoir via a Change Application with Daggett County for 8,000 acre-feet. The point of diversion would be along the Green River in Grand County (near Elgin) and the pipeline would basically follow the railroad tracks to Crescent Junction.
For information on the proposed change application from Daggett County to Grand County (8,000 acre-feet), please visit this web site at the Division of Water Rights. This water right is 41-3687; (A30414bb). If acquired, this water would be used by Pinnacle Potash for solution mining.
The Dagget County change application hearing is scheduled for September 26, 2013 at Green River City Hall at 11:00 am.
To get involved, please call John Weisheit for assistance at 435-259-1063.
- Application by Pinnacle Potash (searchable)
- Protest by William Love
- Protest by Canyonlands Watershed Council
- Protest by Grand Water & Sewer Service Agency
- Protest by Living Rivers
- Protest by National Park Service
- Proof of Publication
- Protest by Bureau of Reclamation
- Map of Pinnacle Potash Sections
- Powerpoint presentation. NPS.
- Endorsement by SITLA
Additional information
Water right application for potash exploration near Canyonlands Field Airport (Bob Norman)
- 2012 - State Engineer denies the water right application
- Application to Appropriate Water For Potash Exploration
- BLM protest
- Norman's response to protest
- NPS protest
- Water Right Arches UDWR 2011
- Water right protests conbined
- Map - Watersheds Arches NP
Water right for potash exploration near Hatch Point
- Local Groups Protest Water Application for Proposed Potash Mine
- BLM Okays Potash Exploratory Drilling Project Near Labyrinth Canyon
- BLM Gives Green Light to Hatch Point Potash Exploration

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