Green River Refinery Proposed
February 21, 2013Note: a second refinery has been proposed near Green River call Iron Fox Refinery. Click here to review the application.
- March 25, 2014 - Intent to Approve Emery Refinery (draft) & Public Notice. Division of Air Quality. Public meeting announcement is pending.
- Request for Agency Action
- Feruary 3, 2014 - Adminstrative Law Judge Recommends Stay to Executive Director
Click here to visit the wesite of Utah Division of Air Quality
Emery Refining (LLC), based in Houston, Texas, proposes to build a refinery near Green River, Utah (map) to process heavy crude into transportation fuels (diesel and kerosene) and for petroleum products you would typically find in a hardware store.
Emery Refining (LLC) was previously called Bridgehouse Refining (LLC). One year prior (2012), the application for this proposed facility came from High Desert Refining (LLC).
To add to the confusion, there is an existing refinery in Green River on the east side of town (see photos below) but this refinery, managed by EcoDomain (according to the signs on the property), has been closed for some time now. The first application submitted by Bridgehouse Refinery was for a facility to be built on the property of this defunct refinery. Now, apparently, the High Desert/Bridgehouse/Emery refining project will built on the west side of town near the junction of Interstate 70 and US Hwy 6.
The refinery under review has been linked to the production of unconventional fuels by Red Leaf Resources, which has proposed strip mining for oil shale in Uintah County in the Tavaputs Plateau, between the Book Cliffs and the White River. Oil shale is a hard rock embedded with waxy-like kerogen.
The following is an excerpt from the Utah Division of Air Quality:
A 30-day public comment period will be held in accordance with UAC R307-401-7. A notification of the intent to approve will be published in the Emery County Progress on February 5, 2013. During the public comment period the proposal and the evaluation of its impact on air quality will be available for the public to review and provide comment. If anyone so requests a public hearing within 15 days of publication, it will be held in accordance with UAC R307-401-7. The hearing will be held as close as practicable to the location of the source. Any comments received during the public comment period and the hearing will be evaluated. The proposed conditions of the AO may be changed as a result of the comments received.
Comments are due close of business on Thursday March 7, 2013. We suggest you submit them on February 6th. Send your comment letter to:
- Timothy R. Andrus
- Division of Air Quality
- PO Box 144820
- Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820
- Fax: 801-536-4099
- Phone: 801-536-4414
- email for Tim Andrus is tandrus@utah.gov
- March 7, 2013 - Comment letter by Grand Canyon Trust, et al.
- February 1, 2013 - Division of Air Quality: Intent To Approve
- February 5, 2013 - Public notice (Green River Refinery)
- December 2012 - Corporate Repsonse to DAQ Questions
- November, 2012 - Emery Refinery Notice of Intent
- February, 2012 - Bridgehouse Refinery Intent To Approve
- February, 2012 - Public Notice (Bridgehouse)
- February, 2012 - Bridgehouse Refinery Proposal
- May 3, 2011 - Public notice
- April, 2011 - High Desert Refinery Intent To Approve
- 2008 - Green River Refinery link to Red Leaf Resources' proposed oil shale project (page 11)
- March, 2007 - Emery Progress: Green River Says Yes To Refinery
- June, 2013 - Way Cleared In Utah for 1st New USA Refinery Since 1976. Salt Lake Tribune.
- Photos - Exisiting Green River Refinery (inactive)

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