Year End Fundraising Campaign
November 14, 2016
YES! Canyonlands Watershed Council is a charitable organization.
From watchdog to work horse, Canyonlands Watershed Council (CWC) depends on your support and donations to carry out our mission. Please consider contributing to our year end campaign to raise $25,000 for watershed health in southeastern Utah.
CWC is a Grand County, UT based 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote and protect the health of southeastern Utah water and watersheds. We accomplish our mission through a range of activities including public outreach and education, on-the-ground watershed assessments, direct impact projects, multi-stakeholder collaborations, engaging in public processes, and developing resources that help to better understand our waters and watersheds.
CWC has a proven track record of success in promoting and protecting the health of our watersheds. From our role in the formation of the multi-stakeholder Moab Area Watershed Partnership to generating support and funding for the in-progress US Geological Survey’s Spanish Valley groundwater management study, CWC is committed to working to enhance the health of southeast Utah’s watersheds and the people who live and visit them. Together with your support, we will continue to succeed in achieving our vision of healthy watersheds and vibrant communities throughout our region.
Moab and the Spanish Valley are changing as tourism expands and land use shifts from agriculture to development. These changes have implications on our groundwater and surface water resources, as well as the quality of life for valley residents and the experience of visitors. The groundwater study is analyzing our available water supply and presents an important opportunity to discuss and decide as a community how we want to manage this vital resource. As development in the valley continues it is critical that the inherent impacts on stormwater quality and quantity be mitigated based on the best practices available to create multiple benefits and enhance ecosystem services we all depend upon.
With long term prosperity and resiliency in mind, CWC is committed to continuing an active role in public process to help ensure sound policies are developed that balance social, economic, and environmental values while protecting the water resources essential to our well-being and prosperity.
Our current programs are focused on two key areas: Urban Greening and Watershed Regeneration. Through collaborative projects and community engagement, we will achieve immediate on-the-ground benefits to compliment our work in policy and planning. Through this multi-pronged approach we seek to ensure the health of our waters and watershed are a central tenant in daily living and long term land management decisions.
Our Urban Greening efforts focus on enhancing the beauty and functionality of our developed areas to achieve multiple benefits, including protecting water quality, conserving water, creating pollinator habitat and more. Our Watershed Regeneration efforts focus on protecting and restoring our springs, wetlands, and riparian ecosystems and mitigating the impacts of increased recreational use. Part of our strategy is to develop eco-tourism and collaborative efforts with the businesses and organizations that use and benefit from our public lands.
We are working with our public officials on green stormwater infrastructure and greywater policies and pilot projects to expand our toolbox of best practices for effectively and wisely stewarding our water resources. This year, we have worked at the county and state level on greywater reuse policy and provided technical assistance in creating the first permitted residential greywater system in southeast Utah.
In collaboration with community partners such as Grand County Hospice and Bee Inspired Gardens, we are creating opportunities for community and visitors to be involved in directly enhancing our urban environment and health of our watersheds. Please visit our website to learn more about upcoming events and ways to become involved.
Looking ahead, 2017 is shaping up to be a big year. From policy and planning to on-the-ground projects, CWC will be a leading agent for healthy watersheds. We are excited to continue providing technical assistance and helping secure funding to develop urban greening projects around the valley. We will also be inventorying our public lands to identify and prioritize project sites for protecting our healthy ecosystems and restoring our degraded areas.
We cannot do this important work without your generous donations. Please consider becoming a member of Canyonlands Watershed Council and contributing our year end campaign to raise $25,000 to promote and protect the health of our community and watersheds.
Thank you,
Jeff Adams and the CWC Board
If you have any questions or would like to become a supporter of our work, please contact Jeff via email (jeff (at) farcountry.org) or cell phone 415-306-6618
Membership Levels:
Manns Peak - $20
Mount Wass - $50
Mount Tukuhnikivatz - $100
Mount Mellenthin - $350
Mount Peale - $500
Other: $________

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