SUMMARY: Groundwater Protection Analysis for Moab City and Spanish Valley
January 02, 2023YES! Canyonlands Watershed Council is a charitable organization.
The following analyses for groundwater protection in Moab & Spanish Valley includes contributions from the following organizations:
- Utah Division of Water Rights
- US Geological Survey
- Utah Geological Survey
- Bureau of Land Management
- US Forest Service
- Western Water Assessment (NOAA)
- University of Utah
- Utah State University
- Southeast Utah Health Department
- Moab City
- Grand County and its Special Service Districts
- San Juan Spanish Valley Special Service District
- Moab Area Watershed Partnership
- Canyonlands Watershed Council
- Living Rivers & Colorado Riverkeeper
- Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater in Moab-Spanish Valley. WWA.
- Hydrology Monitoring of Moab Area. USGS.
- Matheson Wetlands Preliminary Workplan. UGS.
- Moab-Spanish Valley Groundwater Study Summary. Gardner et al.
- Safe Yield Discussion. UDWRi.
- May 4, 2021 - Grand County Council with Utah Division of Water Riights. Mark Stilson.
MOAB NEWS: Water Scarcity Issues Confronting Moab-Spanish Valley
- Click here to read this story by Kate Groetzinger from KUER Public Radio called "Moab May Be Running Out Of Water. That’s Prompting Residents To Rethink Conservation And Development. "
- Click here to read this story by Graham Dudley from KSL TV called "How Much Water Is Really Under Moab? Scientists say, Less Than Thought."
- Click here to read "Moab's Aquifer May Be Maxed Out Prompting City To Explore Water Conservation" by Kate Groetzinger for KUER.
- Click here to ready this story by Doug McMurdo of Times-Independent: "Water restrictions coming to Moab."
- Click here to read this story by Rachel Fixsen of Moab Sun News: "Thirsty Valley: City Officials Take Hard Look At Water Resources
- Click here to read this story by Doug McMurdo of Moab Times-Independent: "Got Water? More Questions Than Answers On Aquifer Capacity"
- Click here to read this story by Moab Sun News called "USGS Study Shows Less Water Than Previously Reported"
- Click here to read this story by Dennis Webb in the Grand Junction Sentinel about how the Western Slope of Colorado and Grand County, Utah are warming at a faster pace than the rest of the USA
- Click here to read this story by Carter Pape of Times Independent called "Moab Watershed 30 to 40 Percent Smaller Than Previously Reported"
- Click here to read this story by Carter Pape of Times Independent called "How Water Ends Up In Moab"
- Click here to read this story by Carter Pape of Times Independent called "USGS Confirms Valley Water Budget"
SURFACE & GROUND WATER: The water resources of this area are considered to be limited. New appropriations are limited to small amounts of beneficial use sufficient to serve the domestic requirements of one family, the irrigation of one acre, and ten head of livestock (or equivalent livestock units). New diversions and consumptive uses that require more water than this must be accomplished by filing a change application on valid existing water rights owned or acquired by the applicant. However, some water is available for larger appropriations on a Temporary (one-year) or Fixed Time period basis. Non-consumptive uses such as hydroelectric power generation would be considered on the individual merits of each application.
All applications, including changes on existing water rights, are considered on their individual merits, with emphasis on their potential to interfere with existing rights and to ensure that there is no enlargement of the underlying rights.
Applications are generally approved upon showing of an immediate need for water and with the presumptions that the applicant has all necessary resources and authorities to diligently develop the proposed beneficial uses of water and to file proof. Proof must be submitted by a registered land surveyor or engineer licensed in the State of Utah. Requests for extensions of time in which to submit proof will be critically reviewed after the initial five-year period.
The following specific restrictions apply:
- USGS Study of 2019: summary, report and maps combined.
- Academic Journal Review: 2020 - Rethinking Groundwater Flow System Using Multiple Tracer Geochemical Approach: Case Study Moab-Spanish Valley. Gardner.
- University of Utah and USGS - Suggestions for Groundwater Monitoring for Moab-Spanish Valley. Gardner and Solomon.
- Graphic: The flow of groundwater. USGS.
- 2023 - USGS Monitoring Report
Hydrologic And Hydrogeologic Assessment (HESA)* of the surface water and groundwater resources affecting the Moab City Springs and Wells & surface water of Mill Creek and Pack Creek in Moab-Spanish Valley in Grand County and San Juan County. By Hydrologic Systems Analysis, & Heath Hydrology, contractors for Moab City.
* HESA - Hydrological and Environmental Systems Analysis involves the management, processing and interpretation of huge amounts of geoscientific as well as ecological and historical data of many different types and sources, which can only be handled coherently and efficiently by using interactive Geoscientific Information Systems (GIS).
- Phase One: 2018 - HESA-based hydrologic and environmental system analysis and conceptual models
- Phase Two: 2019 - Preliminary HESA-based water budget and aquifer storage evaluation
- Phase Three: 2020 - Proposed Updated Drinking Water Source Protection Zone Delineations & Proposed Monitoring Plan
- Phase Four: 2020 - Preliminary HESA-based water budget aquifer storage evaluation Spanish Valley and Mill Creek/ Pack Creek hydrologic systems
- Special City Council Meeting of December 16, 2020; Water Resources Status Presentation by staff - YouTube Video & presentation by council member Mike Duncan called Moving to a water-restricted future (pdf).
- Memo to City Council - Response to Comments on Phase 3 and 4 Reports. Kolm.
- 2019 - Presentation: Groundwater Monitoring North Moab-Spanish Valley
- 2020, January - Presentation: Groundwater Monitoring Central Moab-Spanish Valley
- 2020, July - Presentation: Groundwater Monitoting South Moab-Spanish Valley
- 2020, November - Current Water Rights Policy for Moab- Spanish Valley
- 2014, April - Moab-Spanish Valley Presentation for Groundwaer Monitoring Program
- Note: Court Decree for Water Right Adjudications are pending
- 2003 - Investigation of the Hydrologic Connection between the Moab Mill Tailings and the Matheson Wetland Preserve. Gardner and Solomon; Nature Conservancy.
- 2006 - The Moab Mill Project: A technical report towards reclaiming uranium mill tailings along the Colorado River in Grand County, Utah. Dohrenwend and Greenbaum; Living Rivers.
- 2016 - Average Water Consumption for Moab City. CWC.
- 2016 - Water Production & Utilization. CWC.
- 2016 - Total Water Production for Gravity (springs) & Pumped. CWC.
- 2019 - Evaluation And Recommendation of Water Availability. Moab City.
- 2019 - Moab Water Facts. WCDMAB.
- 2019 - Memo to City Council: Water Availibility. WCDMAB.
- 2011 - Water Conservation Plan. Moab City.
- 2014 - Water Conservation Plan. GWSSA.
- 2016 - Water Conservation Plan. Moab City.
- 2008 - 40-Year Plan: Grand Water and Sewer Service Agency (GWSSA)
- 2016 - Culinary Water System Master Plan. GWSSA.
- 2017 - 40-Year Plan: San Juan Spanish Valley Special Service District (SJSVSSD)
- 2018 - 40-year Plan. GWSSA.
- 2018 - Water Distribution and Storage Master Plan. Moab City.
- 2018 - Water Distribution Plan. Moab Irrigation Company.
- 2010 - Forest and Water Climate Adaptation:
A Case Study of Moab and Castle Valley, Utah. CWC. - 2019 - Spanish Valley/Moab Drought and Climate Workshop Report: Vulnerability, Consequences, and Adaptation Planning Scenarios (VCAPS). Western Climate Assessment at CU Boulder (NOAA) & Environmental Dispute Resolution Program at UofU Salt Lake City (Wallace Stegner Center).
- Future Groundwater Monitoring Suggestions for Spanish Valley. USGS & U of U.
- Groundwater Watch for Moab-Spanish Valley
- National Ground-Water Monitoring Network
- 2020 - Annual Monitoring Report for Spanish Valley. SJSVSSD.
- 2019 - Groundwater Monitoring Report for Spanish Valley. Utah. SJSVSSD.
- 2018 - Groundwater Monitoring Report for Spanish Valley. SJSVSSD.
US Geological Survey
- Mill Creek above Sheley Tunnel #09183500
- Mill Creek below Sheley Tunnel #09183600
- Note: Sheley Tunnel is a diversion into Ken's Lake
- Mill Creek below mouth of Pack Creek (Moab) #09185100
- Upper Pack Creek (gage installation is recommended)
- Dolores River mouth (before confluence with Colorado River) #0918000
- Colorado River below mouth of Dolores River ("Cisco") #091805000
- Colorado River below Potash Boat Ramp (last gage on the Colorado River above the confluence with the Green River) #09185600
- Green River at Green River City #09315000
- Green River below Mineral Bottom Boat Ramp (last gage on the Green River) #09328920
- 1997 - Map of recharge areas for the Glen Canyon and valley-fill aquifers, Spanish Valley area, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah. US Geological Survey. Steiger et al.
- 2002 - Geologic Map of Moab-Spanish Valley. Doelling.
- 2007 - Aquifer recharge map (USG) & alternative version (USGS).
- Septic tank recommendation map
- Map: Locations of Moab aquifers and oil & gas parcels
- Publications and maps from US Geological Survey
- Publications and maps from US Geological Survey

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