Kane Creek Preservation and Development: ENFORCEMENT OF LAND USE CODES under review
Kane Creek Preservation & Development, LLC
- As of February, 2024
Website and updates: Document archive from Grand County Administration
Narrative: The zoning for the subject property is currently under review with the Planning & Zoning Department and the County Attorney, as the legal description from Ordinance RD 229 does not match the GIS zoning map, which is not an official zoning map, but is used for general reference. Grand County admin is currently working to locate an official zoning map on file with the County Recorder's office.
YEAR 1992 - A zoning variance for a private campground
- July, 1992 - Grand County Planning Commission Minutes for Nelson Rezone Application
- May 4, 1992 - Ordinance 229 Meeeting Minutes
- June 22, 1992 - Grand County Commission Minutes for Public Hearing about Nelson Rezone
- July 06, 1992 - Grand County Commission Minutes and Ordinance Approval
- July 6, 1992 - Grand County Ordinance 229
- January 19, 2024 - MAP: Ordinance 229
YEAR 2009 - Federal Flood Insurance Study for Grand County
- April 2, 2009 - Flood Insurance Study for Grand County. FEMA.
YEAR 2018 - Kings Bottom is purchased by developers
- January 4, 2018 - Wetland Delineation Study. Intermountain Ecosystems.
- January 19, 2018 - Threatened and Endangered Compliance for Kane Creek Project. Alm and Assoc.
YEAR 2019
- January 2019 - Aquatic Resources Delineation Report. SME Environmental Consultants.
YEAR 2020 - A site plan by the developers for a campground
- January 1, 2020 - Kane Springs Campground Overall Site Plan.
- February 12, 2020 - Memo Structural Fill Recommendations. GeoStrata.
- April 2, 2020 - Kane Springs Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). FEMA.
- April 3, 2020 - Flood Insurance Study for Grand County. FEMA.
- April, 2020 - Cultural Resource Inventory Kane Creek Campground. Stratified Environmental & Archaeological Services.
- June 3, 2020 - Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination. ACOE.
- 2020.07.29. - Kane Springs Campground Mass Grading. SET Engineering.
- August 24, 2020 - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Harrison Field Services.
- August 26, 2020 - Kane Springs Campground Mass Grading Exhibit. SET Engineering.
- August 27, 2020 - Notice of Intent for Stormwater Discharge. UDEQ.
- September 01, 2020 - Stream Alteration Permit Application. ACOE.
- September 4, 2020 - Stream Alteration Permit Receipt. UDWR.
- September 9, 2020 - Grand County Grading Excavation Permit. Grand County.
- November 13, 2020 - Letter of Map Revision: Determination for Grand County. FEMA.
- December 11, 2020 - Floodplain Development Permit Application. Grand County.
YEAR 2021
- May 18, 2021 - Preliminary Traffic Memo. SET Engineering.
YEAR 2022
- January 27, 2022 - Traffic Impact Analysis. SET Engineering.
- Janauary 28, 2022 - Master Plan Under Review. KCPD.
- April 27, 2022 - Memo for Traffic Analysis Comments. Horrocks.
YEAR 2023
- January 28, 2023 - Conceptual Site Master Plan. DTJ.
- January 31, 2023 - Traffic Impact Analysis. SET Engineering.
- June 6, 2023 - Memo for Roadway Improvements. Horrocks.
First fulfillment of a GRAMA request to Grand County
- January 11, 2024 - Update and History of Kane Creek Development (since 1992). Grand County admin.
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
Region 8 Deputy AdministratorKatherine Fox
2009 - Kane Springs Determination Letter
US Fish and Wildlife Service
George Weekley; Deputy Field Office Supervisor
(385) 285-7929 - Office
(801) 554-7660 Mobile
US Army Corps of Engineers
Samual Bohannon; Regulatory Project Manager
533 West 2600 South; Suite 150
Bountiful, UT. 84010-7744
801-295-8380; Ext. 8313
Utah Department of Water Quality
Discharge Elimination System Permits
Jeff Studenka
Price, Utah Region
Daren Rasmussen
Phone: (801) 538-7377
Email: darenrasmussen@utah.gov
Click here to review: Stream Alteration Application No. 20-05-05SA
- Public Postcard
- Record of Decision for Colorado River
- Record of Decision for Green & Colorado Rivers
- Comprehensive Management Plan and ROD for Colorado River
- Mineral Leasing Plan and ROD for Green & Colorado Rivers
- Comprehensive Management Plan for Colorado River
- Mineral Leasing Plan for Green & Colorado Rivers
William Hulce
Moab, UT 84532
Moab Uranium Waste Tailings
Jessica Thacker
Archaeology - Chris Merritt
- 2002 - Remedial action at Moab uranium mill site: now and long-term. National Academy of Sciences.
- 2004 - Biological Opinion for Moab uranium mill mitigation. USFWS.
- Bibliography of ecological resources of the Colorado River near Moab.
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