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Kings Bottoms & Kane Creek Development and the FLOOD HISTORY OF COLORADO RIVER

February 13, 2024
by John S. Weisheit

Discussion about the "100-Year Flood"

  • Read: US Geological Survey Discussion
  • Defining a 100-year flood is related to general acceptable policies for government agencies and insurance providers. This is a statistical analysis, which is obviously acceptable to governing agencies, as long as it is also understood that this standard is the minimalist approach. See: Initial-Phase Investigation of Multi-Dimensional Streamflow Simulations in the Colorado River, Moab Valley, Grand County, Utah, 2004. Kenney, USGS.
  • An empirical study is letting Nature speak for itself. Nature is random, unpredictable, and extreme. For example, the 20th century was the wettest century in the last 2000-years, according to calibrated tree-ring data. Yet, the Colorado River in the 20th century did not have a single 100-year flood event, whether statistical or empirical.
  • Whereas the 19th century had many serious flood events related to an atmospheric river event and volcanic eruptions in the South Pacific.
  • Paleoflood hydrology is the science that provides empirical data about the frequency and magnitude of prehistoric flood events.
  • Science Moab Interview with Professor Vic Baker (listen).
  • Identifying flood indicators in nature: Historical and Paleoflood Analyses for Probabilistic Flood-Hazard Assessments: Approaches and Review Guidelines. Harden.
  • This data in real time was recently calibrated for the Colorado River Basin above the confluence with the Green River, and as follows:
  • A 100-year flood would have a peak discharge ranging from 156,440 to 179,050 cfs. Thirty-four such floods have happened in the last 2,000 years.
  • A 500-year flood would have a peak discharge ranging from 224,780 to 265,570 cfs. Twenty such floods have happened in the last 2,000 years.
  • A 1000-year flood would have a peak discharge ranging from 256,740 to 310,770 cfs. Four such floods have happened in the last 2,000 years.

TABLE: The data results of statistical floods and emperical floods

Statistics Vs Empirical





  • CLICK HERE FOR A PRESENTATION about flood hazards at Kings Bottom by John Weisheit, conservation director of Living Rivers & Colorado Riverkeeper. Note: this presentation was shared with the developer, engineer, attorney and our administrative agencies and elected officals.
  • CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to Professor Victor Baker about paeleoflood hydrology. Science Moab, KZMU Community Radio.
  • Read about the hundreds of paleoflood reports at this website.



  • Phase 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 is in Area 1
  • Area 1 is between the Colorado River and Kane Creek Road.
  • Phase 6 is in Area 4
  • Area 4 is between the Colorado River and Kane Creek Road.
  • Phase 7 is in Area 5
  • Area 5 is between Kane Creek Road and bedrock.
  • Phase 8 is in Area 2
  • Area 2 is between Colorado River and Kane Creek Road.
  • Phase 9 is in Area 6
  • Area 6 is beween Colorado River and Kane Creek Road.
  • Source: FEMA Maps and Anderson Engineering (see document section above).


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