History: Human and Natural

Denis Julien 1836 inscription
THE RIVER BED CASE (USA v Utah). The case is an exceptional oral history of the Colorado River running community in Utah.
- Click here to read an article about the Colorado Riverbed Case.
- The Decree and Utah State Objections
- Riverbed Case Brief USA 1929
- Riverbed Case Brief USA 1930
- Riverbed Case Brief Utah 1929
- Narrative Volume One with Table of Contents: Testimony of the river community
- Narrative Volume Two with Table of Contents: Testimony of the river community.
- 1937 - Inventory of Grand County documents
- 1941 - Origin of Utah Place Names.
- Utah State History
- History of Canyonlands National Park and Region
- Chronology of Canyonlands Region
- Moab Museum: Oral history program
- San Juan County: Blue Mountain Shadows Magazine
- Dead Horse State Park
- Utah State History: Home page
- Utah History To Go: Home page
- 1964 - History SE Utah & No Arizona. Crampton.
- 1964 - Historic Sites of Canyonlands District. Crampton.
- 1965 - The Moab Story. Otho Murphy.
- 1972 - History of Cattle Grazing in Canyonlands. NPS.
- 1975 - History of upper basin river navigation. Crampton.
- 1979 - History of Uintah Ouray Ute Lands. O'Neil.
- 1980 - Cultural Resource Summary East Central Utah Moab District. Pierson.
- 2003 - Forgotten Pathfinders: Along the North Branch of Old Spanish Trail 1650- 1850. Nelson.
- 2005 - History of the flume on the Dolores River
The Stinky Desert Gazette & similar publications
- Back issues. CPRG Website.
- History of Beaver County. Bradley.
- History of Box Elder County. Huchel.
- History of Cache County. Peterson.
- History of Carbon County. Watt.
- hHistory of Duschesne County. Barton.
- History of Emery County. Geary.
- History of Garfield County. Newell & Talbot.
- History of Grand County. Firmage.
- History of Juab County. Wilson.
- hHistory of Kane County. Bradley.
- History of Millard County. Lyman & Newell.
- History of Morgan County. Smith.
- History of Piute County. Newell.
- History of Rich County. Parson.
- History of Salt Lake County. Sillitoe.
- History of SanpeteCounty. Antrei & Roberts.
- History of Sevier County. Bishop.
- History of Summit County. Hampshire, Bradley & Roberts.
- History of Toole County. Blanthorn.
- History of Utah County. Holzapfel.
- History of Wasatch County. Embry.
- History of Wayne County. Murphy.
- History of Weber County. Roberts & Sadler.
- Southwestern Trees by Elbert Little. 1950.
- Vascular plants of the Four Corners Regions