Oil & Gas (& Coal)

For information on oil & gas leasing on federal lands, visit the BLM section
- Intermountain Oil and Gas Project. Getches-Wilkenson Center.
- 2014 - Utah Coal: A Report and Scenario Plan. Rural Planning Group.
- 2014 - Drilling Deeper: A Reality Check on US Government Forecasts for a Lasting Tight Oil & Shale Gas Boom. Hughes.
- Oil Shale Politics in Utah: Holding Government Officials, Lobbyists, and Corporate Management Accountable to the Public
- 2022 - Oil Gas Mining Revenue Generated to Utah State from Taxes, Royalties and Leases. UDOGM.
- 2014 - Updated: Energy Initiatives & Imperatives for Utah's 10-Year Strategic Energy Plan 2.0. Governor Herbert.
- 2014 - Drilling Deeper: A Reality Check on US Government Forecasts for a Lasting Tight Oil & Shale Gas Boom. Hughes.
- 2013 - Executive Summary: Tar Sands Oil Shale Market Assessment. U of U.
- 2013 - Oil Shale Market Assessment. U of U.
- 2012 - Investor Oil Shale Risks. CERES.
- 2011 - Economic Impact of Marcellus Shale Gas. Cornell.
- 2011 - Marcellus Shale: What Are The Limitations? Cornell.
- 2010 - Oil Shale: 14 Unanswered Questions. Headwater Economics.
- 2008 - North American Oil Sands History Development Prospects. Congressional Research Service.
- 2008 - Developments In Oil Shale. Congressional Research Service.
- 2007 - Testimonies Oil Shale. RAND.
- 2006 - Oil Shale History Incentives Policy. Congressional Research Service
- 2005 - Oil Shale Development USA. RAND.
- 2009 - Final BLM review of 77 oil and gas lease parcels of December 2008.
- 2010 - Gasco EIS Volumes 1 & 2. Vernal BLM.
- Map: Locations of Moab aquifers and oil & gas parcels
- 2010 - Montana Environmental Information Center v BLM
- 2010 - Northern Plains Resource Council v Montana Oil and Gas Board
- Home page
- Well information search
- Public records: Utah Oil, Gas & Mining. (Username and password is ogmguest)
- UDOGM Board Notes and Dockets
- FTP Site. Utah Oil, Gas & Mining
- Well information search. Utah Oil, Gas and Mining.
- Oil production in Utah by County
- Gas Production by County
WASTEWATER (fracking fluids)
- EPA web site on hydraulic fracturing.
- 2004 - Oil & Gas impacts to water resources in New Mexico. Shomaker & Assoc.
- 2008 - Health risks of oil & gas development. University of Colorado.
- 2008 - Conclusions & recommendations of white paper. University of Colorado.
- 2008 - Chemical analysis of gas production wells. ExCel file here. The Endrocrine Disruption Exchange.
- 2011 - Hydraulic fracking chemicals. US Congress.
- Fracking chemicals. HCN.
See also this ARTICLE about Danish Flats
- Website of Danish Flats Environmental Services, Inc.
- Danish Flats satellite image
- 2010 - Draft NOI for Emissions Analysis
- Site Processing and Equipment
- Non-compliance letter from UDOGM
- GRAMA: eMail correspondance
- GRAMA: Email attachments
- GRAMA: spreadsheets 1 & 2 & 3 & 4
- Memo between Danish Flats and Redrock Forests
- 2011- Report on impacts to birds and bats
Other Harley Dome and Westwater Area Facilities
- 2006 - Modifications at Harley Dome
- Summit Operating LLC at Harley Dome & (News clipping)
- 2009 - Summit Operating Permit Application
Hydrocarbon Heaven Cisco Development
- 2008 - Hydrocarbon Heaven? Kamala.
School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA)
Class II Injection Well Application
- July 25, 2012 - Application for second well
- Monitoring Report of Wingate Sandstone in Ruby Canyon
- USGS topo map of Harley Dome and Bitter Creek
- Satellite image of Harley Dome and Bitter Creek
- USGS topo with potential monitoring wells located
- Abandoned wells in 1/2 mile radius
- Satellite image with potential monitoring wells located
- Map of affected area
- 2009 - Staff Report: Grand County Planning and Zoning.
- 2009 - Application to drill; Wastewater injection rules.
- 2009 - Westwater Farms hydrogeology report. Wayne Downs.
- 2009 - Letter from citizen groups. Proposed operations at Westwater Farms.
- 2010 - Photos of Westwater Farms
- 2010 - Request for Continuance
- 2010 - Request for formal hearing
- 2010 - Motion for formal hearing
- Public Notice: November, 2010.
- 2010 - MAP: Harley Dome and Westwater Area
- 2010 - Staff Report: Grand County Planning Commission
- 2010 - Audio of Westwater Farms Public Hearing (Dec. 8)
- 2011 - County planning approves conditional use permit (Times-Independent Jan. 27)
- 2011 - County schedules Westwater Farms vote for March 1. (Times-Independent)
- 2012 - Administrative Record. UDOGM.
Stewart Environmental Consultants (Westwater Farms Partner)
- 2009 - Beneficial Use of Produced Water. IPEC.
- 2010 - Presentation to Grand County Planning
- 2010 - Conditional Use Permit Application
- Map of affected area
- Pre-treatment schematic
- Water Chemistry Memo
- Injection Well Monitoring Program
- Down's Geologic Report
- Injection Well Monitoring Program
- Memo Response Letter
- Ordinance Report Part 01
- Ordinance Report Part 02
- Permit Application Part 01
- Permit Application Part 02
- Permit Application (searchable pdf)
- Permit Review Letter. Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Protest Letter. BLM.
- Protest Withdrawal. BLM.
- UDOGM Staff Memo.
- Westwater Canyon Monitoring Letter (19 Nov 2010)
- Log for Westwater Harley Dome. Halliburton.
Westwater Farms in the news
- NGO Comments on Air Quality from Oil and Gas Development in Dixie Nat. Forest
- Endrocrine Disruption Exchange
- ProRepublica series on environmental threats from the oil & gas industry.
- 11/12/09 - Times-Independent: County enacts production water moratorium.
- 10/01/09 - Reuters:Water worries threaten US push for natural gas
- 9/24/09 - Times-Independent: Overspray caused by Danish Flats evaporation device violates law, state oversight agency says.
- 8/09/09 - Associated Press: Colorado landowners wary of effort to resume drilling.
- 11/17/08 - Denver Post: Drilling process causes water supply alarm.
- 10/21/10 - Salt Lake Tribune. Ozone raises its ugly head in rural Utah.
- 10/25/10 - ENN. Fracking shown to mobilize Uranium in Marcellus Shale.