
Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park
Housing prices are increasing faster than wages, and current affordable housing is often located on land that deveolopers want to build hotels, resorts and luxury homes. The Utah legislature mandates that communities adopt and plan for affordable housing. Utah communities also need a housing plan for transient workers that work in the service industry, and also to plan for the needs of the homeless, that includes victims of domestic violence.
This planning needs to occur before the soon-to-arrive mass retirement of the baby-boomer generation, which would likely stress the affordable housing needs of our communities.
Grand County & Moab City
- Housing Information. Zacharia Levine.
- Community Rebuilds
- Seekhaven
- Don't Mess With Moab
- Housing Authority
- Moab & Grand County Affordable Housing Plan
San Juan County
- 2006 - Housing Development Plan. SE Utah Assoc. of Local Governments.
- 2008 - Grand County and Moab City Housing Study
- 2008 - Grand County and Moab City Housing Workshop
- 2016 - Update: Grand County Housing Plan
- 2016 - Guide to Affordable Housing in Grand County